Concealed – She’s got a Gun, Shelley Calton
Kehrer Verlag, Wieblinger Weg 21, 69123 Heidelberg,
Here we have another „project book“ (always nice looking hardcover book with plenty of space for the photographs, usually accompanied by a foreword/interview from the author or other – sometimes – academic persons that explain why the project started and what it means, usually it never means alot, but always appears to mean much with a deeper sense. Stripped down: photographer travels, takes pictures in a certain frame or a theme, makes a book and exhibitions, its art). Shelly Calton travels thru Texas and takes photos of women with handguns, most of them have a CHL (consealed handgun license) and all of them say they would use their guns if necessary. Now that might be no surprise in Texas or in general for people who have guns. In the end there is a list of images (first name of the women and city only) and some intersting quotes from the women. Photos are 4c. 96 pages, half-cloth hardcover with gun embossement, 24 x 26 cm, 39,90 Euro (dolf)
Isbn 978-3868285154
[Trust # 173 August 2015]