Safety in Numbers – My Journey with L.A. Punk Rock Gangs: 1982 – 1992, Adam Wilson
The punk scene in Los Angeles in the early eighties must have sucked bad, well, sure the was some excellent bands playing great music – that should not be forgotten. But also too much violence and too many crazy people doing too many drugs and drinking too much. As if that is not already bad enough, there was also punk gangs (!), which is a contradiction in its self. But attention-seeking, young, stupid kids make everything possible – so there you have the punk gang. Adam was part of one of them gangs called Kaos – it started out with a bunch of kids and grew in a monster (Safty in Numbers). Fights, shootings, drug dealing – you name it, it is there. People are dying and get seriously injured.
Luckly Wilson does not gloryfiy or trivalize the whole gang doing or his own. But points out clearly and several times that most of the behaviour was a bunch of shit and looking at it from now, those people where loosers. It seems the author made it out the other side, which is good for him, and it apperars this book is to help him to come to terms with his past. Wilson does not chose a „structured“ way to write about what was going on back then, but a straight ahead storytelling, like a memoir. And, like in so many other cases, it is astonding how many details he can remember. Come on, that is decades ago and you either have to have a savant memory or you can fall back on a detailed diary. Or you make it a mix of truth and fiction. Some of the storys read like they happend last night. Anyway, it is an easy read, with some very intersting aspects and the author does not mince matters and names names (even thou, some people told him he can not write about the shit that went down back then, because of a gang codex…). So if you want to find about Circle One Family, LADS, Suicidal Tendencies Gang, FFF and others. You find it here. 266 pages full of storys from the early eighties punk, hardcore and what followed…… take a ride with Adam. (dolf)
Isbn 1541157257
[Trust # 193 December 2018]