Live & Loud – Boris Schöppner
B. Schöppner, Schalckwiesenweg 26, 60488 Frankfurt
„This book is about music, energy and anger. It’s about friendship, respect and fun. It’s about commitment and attitude. It’s a homage to all the people who make it possible for us to have a good time in front of the stage. And, yes, it’s a photobook. I hope you like the pictures. Meet us in the pit.“ That is the only text you will read in the photo book – apart from a index that explains what band you see on what date in which venue (a lot in Frankfurt). Most of the pictures are taken in 2014/2015/2016, but there is also a few „older“ shots. Here are some of the bands included: Danger!man, Lucky Malice, The Baboon Show, Problems, Sniffing Glue, Biestig, Siberian Meat Grinder, Snfu… to just name a few. 80 pages, some photos are b/w, others are color but most of them have one thing in common:
Schöppner gets to capture the energy of a live HC/Punk-Concert. It seems he is always right there where it happens, with his camera. The results are excellent shots, not only picturing the band, but also the audience. Of course there is a ups and downs, but definitely way more good photos, so it is worth to check this out. I would print photos of that quality right in this mag, no problem. Thumbs up! Paperback, 24×22 cm, no price listed (dolf)
Isbn 978 3 00 055112 3
[Trust # 184 June 2017]