Keith Morris My Damage – The Story of a Punk Rock Survivor, with Jim Ruland
Da Capo Press, 53 State Street, 9th Floor, Boston, MA 02109, Usa,
This is a fun read, find out about the origins of Black Flag, how Circle Jerks formed and who was partying with who back in the day. Keith Morris was the first singer for Black Flag and played in a bunch of other bands, you might be familiar with his current combo Off! Otherwise he was a young hollywoodpunk in the very early 80s who loved to drink, take drugs and play music. Apart from that he was also working in his dads, who was a thug, shop. So you also find out about the Morris family. Some of the story’s have been told a few times before, but since most of them are entertaining, it does not hurt to hear about them again from the perspective of Keith Morris. Unfortunately he got diabetes later in life, which is bad but even worse for someone who loves to party…. resulting in being sober now for 20 years or so.
Hear about his experience in the record industry – as a musician and as a A&R assistant, ups and downs but mostly onward. Party’s, tours, riots – that is all there. Since there is no politics, ethics, philosophical deepness, values (apart from punk music, drinking, drugs, party, play to make some money) or any other of that stuff you don’t find that often back then in the Los Angeles punk scene, it is also an easy read. Goes well along with a couple of brews late at night. And you get reminded that a lot of bands from that era wanted to play punk rock, get signed by a big label and make money. Nothing new about that. Some of the story’s are almost sad in the sense of how things did not work out because there was to much, call it ego or asshole, involved. And you learn that some „punk icons“ where not so cool as they appear. In the second part of the book there is also 16 pages with photos, newspaper clippings and flyerart from the very young Morris to the teenager and later. So in other words, if you have not read many books like this, get it, it can be fun. If you did, you don’t necessarily need to read it, unless you are a big fan of the LA-punk scene and/ or Keith Morris. And if you are one of the persons who thinks that hardcore punk was and is more then be a musician that likes to party and make money, this will not get you anywhere. 309 pages, Hardcover, 24,99 US $ (dolf)
Isbn 978-0-306-82406-7
[Trust # 184 June 2017]