I, Shithead A Life In Punk – Joey Keithley
Arsenal Pulp Press/Turnaround www.turnaround-uk.com
In honour of Joey’s nickname, I managed to read almost 90% of the book sitting on the crapper, shitting. Usually I read ca. 2 pages in one session, sometimes the storys where so fascinating, I had to sit for a bit longer than necessary. But, lets leave the toilet and get on with the book. It is the life of D.O.A.’s frontman Joey Keithley aka Shithead. The band formed in 1978 and is still together today.
There is alot of storys to tell and most of them are a fun read. Sometimes it seems you just read that part recently, but that might be because of the nature of beeing in a band. The band broke up in 1990 (and reformed some time later), the book focuses on that time period 78-90. Read how it all began in Vancouver, even a bit before punk started, and follow D.O.A. to their gigs around Canada, the Usa and other parts of the world. Meet tons of people that you probably only know the name off and travel with them to citys you will never see.
There is not so much to learn from the book, apart from things like „dont tour canada in winter“ and other obvious dont’s. If you are a D.O.A. fan, or are intersted in the history of punk in (mostly) north america, the book is a must. If you are not, why do you bother reading this review! Actually, the book works for punks too. In the end you find the D.O.A „family tree“ and a complete discography. Your english needs to be there, but it is not difficult to read. And there is alot of photos, flyers to illustrate the 256 pages, paper binding, 23 x 15 cm book. Ca. 17.- Euro. (dolf)
Isbn 1 55152 148 2
[Trust # 106 Juni 2004]