Juli 31st, 2014

Taschen 365. Day-by-Day. Surfing, Jim Heimann

Posted in bücher by Dolf

Taschen, Hohenzollernring 53, 50672 Köln, www.taschen.com

TaschenDayByDaySurfingThere is a couple of these day-by-day books available, this was the first one to get my attention. On 736 pages (!) ( 17,1 x 21,7 cm ) you get tons of short slogans and statements from various surfers and very many – mostly vintage – photos or graphics.


Some of them are funny or true, some of them are not very profound and a few might be dumb. Now if the year only had 100 days or less, this might have been a great calender with cool photos, designs, graphics and decals from the surfing scene. But like the year for many out there is not only great, but filled up, so is this book. Admittably there is worse fillers and you can keep skipping the pages until you see something more cool again.

Considering it is a thick book with a full hardcover it is definitly worth the price and makes a great gift. But maybe less would have been more. It might not be that easy to fill up 365 pages/days with only great artwork, but I think it could have been done. Still fun. I also had to think about the great „On a day with no waves“ book, which is very different…. anyway. 19,99 Euro (dolf)

Isbn 978-3836546188

[Trust # 166 June 2014]

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