Please Be Nice – My Life Up ‚til Now, Gary Floyd with David Ensminger
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For some people Gary Floyd is an iconic underground rock’n’roll figure who has resided in San Francisco for three decades, he originally is from Texas. In this little book (70 pages, paperback – feels more like a brochure – with a few photos, graphics) he looks back in his life. Some interesting storys are told, he got to meet great people, drank alot and was not always as nice to people as it seems he wished nowadays he could have been. In his own words he was a „fat, gay, queer, communist, punk“ and he loved to sing. I have to admit, I never was a big fan of any of his bands (The Dicks, Sister Double Happiness, Gary Floyd Band, Black Kali Ma) and reading his words on his life seems like it took him a long time to find his peace with himself – with the help of eastern spirituality. Good if it helps, but it is still just another religion. Anyway, glad this is not a +300 pages detailed „diary“. Floyd went from a radical punker to a major label blues musician, back to his indy roots.
This is been told here, diverting but not very enlightening. He opens up his heart and life to the reader….. I’ll be nice. If you are a fan of the above mentioned bands or Gary Floyd, this is a must read, since Gary is very honest about his past. Find out. $ 15.- including postage (dolf)
Isbn 9781502519702
[Trust # 172 June 2015]